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Getting Started

To start using the Myco Rewards API, follow these steps:

  1. Make a Request

    • Use the provided examples in the How to Use section to make your first API call.
  2. Handle the Response

    • Refer to the Return Values section to understand the response structure.


The Myco Rewards API provides builders with insights into the Zora rewards protocol. It enables creators and developers to:

  1. Track rewards earned from mints on Zora
  2. Monitor key metrics such as Daily Active Mints and top collectors
  3. Access total rewards earned across the Zora ecosystem

By leveraging this API, developers can build features that give creators visibility into their earnings and engagement on the Zora platform. This aligns with Zora's mission to provide the best tools for creators to monetize their work onchain, as outlined in their Protocol Rewards documentation.

Some potential use cases include:

  • Creating dashboards for creators to visualize their earnings
  • Implementing leaderboards for top collectors
  • Building analytics tools to track minting activity and reward distribution

The Myco Rewards API serves as a bridge between Zora's protocol rewards system and developer applications, facilitating the creation of value-added services within the Zora ecosystem.

Demo Video

Watch this demo video to see the Myco Rewards API in action:

This video demonstrates how to use the Myco Rewards API to access and visualize data from the Zora rewards protocol, showcasing its potential for creating powerful analytics tools and dashboards for creators.

How to Use

The Myco Rewards API allows you to retrieve reward information for a specific Ethereum address. Below are examples of how to perform a GET request using different programming languages and tools.

JavaScript (Fetch API)

const address = "0x33912a0d6bEFf5Fb8e5B70688CE858D5e7E8104E";
const url = `${address}`;

.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
console.log("Rewards data:", data);
// Process the rewards data here
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error fetching rewards data:", error);

Python (Requests Library)

import requests

address = '0x33912a0d6bEFf5Fb8e5B70688CE858D5e7E8104E'
url = f'{address}'

response = requests.get(url)

if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
print('Rewards data:', data)
# Process the rewards data here
print('Error fetching rewards data:', response.status_code, response.text)


curl -X GET ""


addressAddressNonullThe Ethereum address of the creator

Return Values

The API returns a JSON object with the following structure:

messagestringStatus message of the API call
addressstringThe Ethereum address of the creator
responseobjectAn object containing detailed reward information

Response Object

zoraCreateReferralRewardsnumberRewards earned from Zora create referrals (sparks ✧)
zoraMintReferralRewardsnumberRewards earned from Zora mint referrals (sparks ✧)
zoraFirstMinterRewardsnumberRewards earned as first minter on Zora (sparks ✧)
zoraCreatorRewardsnumberRewards earned as a creator on Zora (sparks ✧)
baseCreateReferralRewardsnumberRewards earned from Base create referrals (sparks ✧)
baseMintReferralRewardsnumberRewards earned from Base mint referrals (sparks ✧)
baseFirstMinterRewardsnumberRewards earned as first minter on Base (sparks ✧)
baseCreatorRewardsnumberRewards earned as a creator on Base (sparks ✧)
totalRewardsnumberTotal rewards earned across all categories (sparks ✧)
eventsarrayAn array of reward event objects

Event Object

Each object in the events array contains:

eventstringType of reward event
addressstringEthereum address associated with the event
timestampstringISO 8601 formatted timestamp of the event
pointsnumberNumber of points earned in the event
metadataobjectAdditional metadata about the event

Metadata Object

The metadata object contains various fields depending on the event type. Common fields include:

fromstringAddress of the sender
zorastringZora contract address
creatorstringAddress of the creator
feeTypestringType of fee (e.g., "firstMinter")
networkstringNetwork where the event occurred
tokenIdstringID of the token involved
quantitystringQuantity of tokens
uniqueIdstringUnique identifier for the event
collectorstringAddress of the collector
zoraRewardstringAmount of Zora reward (sparks ✧)
blockNumberstringBlock number of the transaction
transactionHashstringHash of the transaction
firstMinterstringAddress of the first minter
mintReferralstringAddress of the mint referral
creatorRewardstringReward amount for the creator (sparks ✧)
createReferralstringAddress of the create referral
collectionAddressstringAddress of the collection involved
firstMinterRewardstringReward amount for the first minter (sparks ✧)
mintReferralRewardstringReward amount for the mint referral (sparks ✧)
createReferralRewardstringReward amount for the create referral (sparks ✧)
protocolRewardsContractstringAddress of the protocol rewards contract

Example Response

"message": "success",
"address": "0xcfBf34d385EA2d5Eb947063b67eA226dcDA3DC38",
"response": {
"zoraCreateReferralRewards": 0,
"zoraMintReferralRewards": 0,
"zoraFirstMinterRewards": 0,
"zoraCreatorRewards": 0,
"baseCreateReferralRewards": 0,
"baseMintReferralRewards": 0,
"baseFirstMinterRewards": 0,
"baseCreatorRewards": 0,
"totalRewards": 444666,
"events": [
"event": "RewardsDeposit-firstMinter-baseSepolia",
"address": "0xcfBf34d385EA2d5Eb947063b67eA226dcDA3DC38",
"timestamp": "2024-10-12T10:54:51.728Z",
"points": 111,
"metadata": {
"from": "0x78aeF8d0bdbA272F34d86bF6B8ba96aa54584932",
"zora": "0x12125c8a52B8E4ed1A28e1f964023b4477f11300",
"creator": "0xcfBf34d385EA2d5Eb947063b67eA226dcDA3DC38",
"feeType": "firstMinter",
"network": "baseSepolia",
"tokenId": "1",
"quantity": "1",
"uniqueId": "baseSepolia-0x01cfddb9cfb3cc0b8da6b2595c557cebb3707936ef095e9fd459579fcc9315a9-0x8-firstMinter",
"collector": "0x15D46DAfb26B788Ee37e981c6569318673404Bbc",
"zoraReward": "111000000000000",
"blockNumber": "0xabc848",
"firstMinter": "0xcfBf34d385EA2d5Eb947063b67eA226dcDA3DC38",
"mintReferral": "0x15D46DAfb26B788Ee37e981c6569318673404Bbc",
"creatorReward": "333000000000000",
"createReferral": "0x12125c8a52B8E4ed1A28e1f964023b4477f11300",
"transactionHash": "0x01cfddb9cfb3cc0b8da6b2595c557cebb3707936ef095e9fd459579fcc9315a9",
"firstMinterReward": "111000000000000",
"mintReferralReward": "111000000000000",
"createReferralReward": "111000000000000",
"protocolRewardsContract": "0x7777777f279eba3d3ad8f4e708545291a6fdba8b"
// ... more event objects

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I retrieve rewards for multiple addresses in a single request?

Currently, the /api/zora/rewards endpoint only supports fetching rewards for one address at a time. If you need to retrieve data for multiple addresses, you will need to make separate requests for each address.

2. How often is the rewards data updated?

The rewards data is updated in real-time as transactions occur on the Zora protocol. However, there might be slight delays in data propagation.

3. What units are the rewards amounts in?

Rewards amounts are denominated in sparks. Ensure you convert them to standard units (e.g., ETH) as needed.

4. Is there a sandbox environment available for testing?

Yes, you can use the Base Sepolia and Zora Sepolia networks for testing purposes.

5. Who should I contact for support?

For any issues or questions, please reach out to our support team or visit our GitHub repository for more information.